Remember when Pitchfork was a nascent little website, offering a clever twist on your typical, summarily dictated record reviews? When other internets music sites / real life hipsters weren't too cool for school / it? Yeah, I didn't read it then either, but I did read this review about 4 years after it was published. If you're too lazy to click on the link, its a review of the Flaming Lips' weirdo concept album Zaireeka, which required that one play four CDs simultaneously. The reviewer can't afford four CD players, so he talks about that for a while and gives the album a "0.0". Never mind asking friends (if Pitchfork writers have any) for their CD players or anything like that. Fuck it, lets just write some shit, slap a zero on the score and call it a day.
Looking back, this guy's attitude (which evinces a total lack of effort combined with wordy self-righteousness and intentionally [?] shitty/pretentious writing) pretty much gave birth to DiSaronno Blog.
Too wordy. I like this review better. this review.
Decent idea, but your writing is terrible/incoherent. Oh, and your picture doesn't open either. Typical. This blog sucks.
I actually did read this review when it came out four years ago, and then I wanted to hang myself in my dorm shower because the disarrano blog would be the worst future blog ever in existence
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