Sunday, August 2, 2009


The Beginning.

I saw you across the street while I was going 100 miles an hour in my lambo. It was hard because I was flying by a couple miles an hour. Did you see those persons walking along? They were striving for more substance in this economy...and this ecology. I'm a big fan of the new york mets! Did you ever see Susan B. Anthony? She was some sort of American. She is pretty famous. But not exactly John Adams (that's a sort-of president).



I'm waiting in the Lobby of the Grande Halston of Milano ... with the clock ticking on my Grand Mariner. The limo is calling my assistant. He has C4 strapped to his belt. This was a sorty challenge. I tried to wrestle the enemies of the USA to the China, but I had a time clock that was made in the People's Republic of Korea.


You Have Twenty-Four Hours Love Bug