Saturday, September 6, 2008

Le Pouteen the third god blast if we had anything else i ahve nothing. ONe. nothing

Waking. Morning of dusk in Montreal. I had just bombed the Volvo outside our hotel for no particular reason. My cat was dead. Sure, that'll do. It's a good enough reason I guess.

I had three passports left. Three that would probably work anyway. I grabbed two out of my bag at random and threw them into the grate. Who am I leaving clues for

Brussels. 48 Hours later.

Machine guns blazings off the counter tops of my neighbors kitchen. The fire from the shells started a flame in the back alley?

"You started a fire with your goddamn fireshots! "

"Chill out. Calm down."

"I'm grabbing a cab and

"Don't leave me.

"Fuck you....I just shat in your shoes. I loved you when you had a gun."

they blazed out in the sunset 7:30pm......

1 comment:

Eugene Dick said...

This piece was something to be reckoned. I referenced many sources in Britannica and my cousin. But I was referencing many passages in Britiannica and I turned to the page and someone had written in green marker Name two words in the English that are both antonyms and synonyms...check page 10037 of world book 87.