Wednesday, February 27, 2008

YouTube can't fix your washing machine

good thing you don't have one! but i do, in addition to a dryer and dishwasher and dinosaur egg incubator (what can i say, brooklyn is cheap). I was doing a free load of laundry in my apartment when I noticed extra water remained in the washing machine after a cycle. I googled around for an explanation/solution and stumbled across this website, which warranted my public dissemination. It's called fixya, and you can search it for a particular electronic item you're having trouble with (e.g. the model of your cell phone or espresso machine), or you can search for a problem that needs fixing (I typed in "washing machine clothes still wet"). There are "experts" who provide solutions to various problems, and it appears you can post new problems to get fixed. Now don't say i never gave you nothin!

oh, and I don't know what about the discharge makes it "funny."


Anonymous said...

funny yellow discharge does not sounds like a "mechanical" problem.

MJ said...

it's obviously not a problem you've ever had.