Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Who the hell voted for Michael Clayton??

I'm starting an open thread re: our Oscar poll. All comments are welcome.


Tony Ratslayer said...

Seriously, who the hell voted for Michael Clayton? I hope you were kidding. It was drab and totally predictable. No comparison to the daring filmmaking of No Country and There Will Be Blood.

Anonymous said...

I did, and I'm not going to just run away and hide. I did, because I believe in the ability of George M. Clooney to bring all Americans face to face with the hypocritical, insidious corporate culture that permeates our beautiful farmland lives. I did, because I believe in the power of cinema to break down barriers, to change perspectives and wrench from our pathetic, desperate hands any remaining shards of the American Dream. I did, because I, too, am a victim of poisonous chemicals, whether in the form of poisonous chemicals or in the form of incessant advertising and sweat stained blouses and car bombs on cold winter roads. I did, and nothing you say can change that vote - I hope someday you come to recognize how blinded you have been by the U Norths of this world. I did.

I did.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tony, "There Will Be Idiots That Cannot Think For Themselves." It's not daring to use other people's ideas.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Juno, because I'm into preggos.