Friday, December 18, 2009

Top Ten Tru Amerikan Hyros of 2k9

(listed by: name, reason for fame, reason for award of hero status)

10. You - u were Time mag's Person of the Year in 2006, & tho u've gotten older & fatter, u continue 2 incessantly twitter & photograph ur drunk friends & whatnot - 4 twittering, etc. (u r lucky 2 get 10)

9. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - noted public speaker & sorta-Prez - 4 not being a sore loser

8. iPhone - there's an app 4 it - 4 doing all kinds of shit every time u pay it $1.99.

7. Snooki - guidette - 4 best gif evar

6. Tiger Woods - noted Lothario - 4 doing playing ex-Arthur Anderson like fierce combo of Don Juan & DOJ

5. The Recession - economic phenomenon - for being "kind of a big deal"

4. Skins - show on tele - 4 trailer

3. Winnie the Pooh - pooh bear - 4 tryin' 2 get that honey (lol @ tiger woods, professional golfer, was runner up in this category!!!)

2. Lady Gaga - songstress - 4 costumes

1. Bad Halloween Lady Gaga Costume-bearers - half of girls, a quarter of guys - 4 being the bearer of bad costumes.

1 comment:

gweedo said...

i like how he sort of clips the dude caught in the middle with that punch