Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"Steve" Stevelson's New Record

Hi.  I'm Steve "Steve" Stevelson Steveston, and I made a music record in 1968 because back then people knew me as Steve "Steve" Stevelson Steveston the Stevedore or, alternatively, Stevedore Steve, or, alternatively, Steve the Stevedore ("the Musician").  Please listen to my new album from 1968.  The best song as far as lyrics go is the one called Ghost Ships and also the one called Stevedore Stomper and Song of the Stevedore.  
I was once quoted as saying this: "My first album was Stevedore Steve Songs of the Stevedore.  My, that sounds interesting.  Snore!  But it's got some good songs on it.  As far as I'm concerned it's bad.  My voice was awful.   Not quite laryngitis but just almost, like I was still audible, but in a hoarse sort of way.  And so the voice is bad on it but the songs are good.  I especially think the songs that are the best include Ghost Ships, Stevedore Stomper, Song of the Stevedore, Son of the Sea, Fishin' Boats are Back.  In that order except for Stevedore Stomper is probably slightly better than Fishin' Boats are Back which is slightly better than the former.  I'm telling you, my voice sounded pretty good actually now that I think about it.  It's kindof intentionally bad because it's supposed to conjure up the sounds of a longshoresman (f.k.a. stevedore)!  That's why they call my album Stevedore Steve Songs of the Stevedore because my name is Steve Stevelson Steveston the Stevedore."

1 comment:

stevewbaker said...

Hi There,
I love your music. It was a memorable part of my childhood in newfoundland. Where can I get this album?

Steve Baker (a long time fan)