Friday, February 22, 2008

The commercial that started it all

As we near the end of Black History Month, it's important for us all to reflect on our roots. So here is the TV commercial whose irrepressible allure and spirit of bonhomie inspired Luigi DiSaronno, one day when he and I were sitting around drinking Paul Newmans*, to start this venerable blog.

As one commenter at YouTube remarks, "I still remember the first time I tried Disaronno..... ahhh it was a delight, and still is to this day." Amen.

*Newman's Own Lemonade and vodka


Anonymous said...

I still remember the first time I tried Disaronno..... ahhh it was a delight, and still is to this day.

Anonymous said...

That's hot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you're going to like the way you look, i guarantee it.

Anonymous said...

come on in, where nightmares are the best part of my day!

Tony Ratslayer said...

Wow this is major! All the celebs are coming out to commemorate the DBlog! Can't wait to see what happens on the one-year anniversary (May 10)... It's gonna be wild!

Anonymous said...

I will regain my position as the true drink of summer come June '08. Luigi better watch his back . . .

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that all of these celebrities will be attending the highly festive and highly exclussive DiSaronno Blog's One Year Anniversary Party!!!! I'll be outside for red carpet interviews all night.

Phoenix Doherty said...

As important as our past (DiSaronno on the Rocks) is, we must always keep one eye toward the future (DiCirrhosis and the RedBullRonno)

Firebird said...

Disaronno has a dark past. Full of loose encounters with various men.

Anonymous said...

what are my thoughts on the disaronno blog writers? click here to find out: