Friday, February 29, 2008
Greatest Drinker of Our Era?
The Giant:
Rules Are Boring
Remember the good old days, when Taco Bell didn't have to worry about silly little "health department violations" for "rat infestations?" Well, I sure do. Nothing like a little TB to start your Saturday feeling fresh and fit. Back then, people didn't have to follow "the rules." You could still be considered a non-conformist, even though you were eating at one of the most popular food chains in the nation. But it didn't matter, because they still had three types of crispy tacos. Yep, those were the days.
Very few songs have the ability to resonate with me so much that my bones rattle. While this is not one such song, I do admire the ability of Hank Williams (Jr.) to corner the Monday Night Football theme song market for nearly a decade (maybe a little less). Another interesting fact about this man? In 2006 he was arrested for the alledged assult of a woman in a Memphis hotel room. The case was later dropped. Another interesting fact about this man? He once broke every bone in his face during a freak mountain climbing accident. His brain was exposed to the open air. All the king's horses and all the king's men were eventually (9 surgeries later) able to put Hank together again.
Another Blog That Is Better Than This One
Check out the blog. While we here at Disaronno blog are sitting on our asses writing about other blogs, these guys are actually out there in the world doing something.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
NYMag Hates Saving The Environment
Darfur Victims Have Nothing On Joanna Cutler
I also weep for something else. I weep for the paper, ink and energy used to write, print and deliver this story no one could possible give a shit about.
My wife, who's I-talian, got four DiSaronno bottles. She's classy like that.
Fuck the last picture, this one is way better.
Di Saronno Muckraker: Barrelling Down the Memory Hole
Compare this post about Parker Posey selling her East Tenth Street apartment and moving to 30 Fifth Avenue with this google cache of the same page. The key difference is the following sentence:
"Surmounting the real estate slump and the writer's strike to move uptown... sounds like the stuff of Hollywood."
Clearly this "Real Estate blogger" knows nothing of NYC geography and is incapable of using finding an address on a map. 30 Fifth Avenue is at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Tenth Street, you Real Estate Retard. Clearly the Observer has realized their mistake, but their failure to print a retraction only compounds my outrage. Parker Posey moved crosstown, yes, but nary a block uptown. Consider yourself DiSaronno Muckraked, Observer.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
When "The Dog's" Away, The Ice(heads) Come Out to Play
What does Hawaii need to combat this problem? Hawaii needs the hoarse words of wisdom of America's favorite bounty hunter. Yes, Duane Chapman's unique blend of tough justice, compassionate proselytism, and excessive cigarette smoking once graced the islands, and criminals were able to learn from their mistakes.
However, The Dog has been through some self-inflicted adversity. His comments brought on well-deserved castigation, causing A & E to cancel his show. The Dog was put in the position that his fugitives face, and was presented with the arduous task of achieving redemption through learning from his sins.
Luckily for Mr. Chapman, there were people who saw through his character flaws and were willing to give him a shot to regain his good name. It appears as though a growing number of people believe that he has changed. Perhaps more accurately, it should be recognized that Mr. Chapman's years and years of work repairing damaged communities in Hawaii and Colorado are a testament to the man's commitment towards social harmony.
It appears that A & E has undergone some change itself. The network has decided to give Mr. Chapman a second chance, once again unleashing the "Dog 'do" in the Sandwich Islands. Hopefully, Dog and his family-based team of bounty hunters can help teach some of the more troubled Hawaii residents that there is much merit to the term "cook rice, not ice."
YouTube can't fix your washing machine
good thing you don't have one! but i do, in addition to a dryer and dishwasher and dinosaur egg incubator (what can i say, brooklyn is cheap). I was doing a free load of laundry in my apartment when I noticed extra water remained in the washing machine after a cycle. I googled around for an explanation/solution and stumbled across this website, which warranted my public dissemination. It's called fixya, and you can search it for a particular electronic item you're having trouble with (e.g. the model of your cell phone or espresso machine), or you can search for a problem that needs fixing (I typed in "washing machine clothes still wet"). There are "experts" who provide solutions to various problems, and it appears you can post new problems to get fixed. Now don't say i never gave you nothin!
oh, and I don't know what about the discharge makes it "funny."
Barack Obama: A Good Internets Celebrity
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
NOW That's What I Call DiSaronno Blog 1!
Track 1 - Robyn (Sweden) - Konichiwa Bitches
Track 2 - MC Leozinho featuring DJ Marlboro (Brazil) - Se Ela Dança eu Danço
Track 3 - Gameboy/Gamegirl (Australia) - Golden Ghetto Sex
Track 4 - Yelle (La France) - A Cause des Garçons (Tepr Remix)
Track 5 - Hanayo (Japan) - Joe Le Taxi
Track 6 - Amari (Italy) - Le Gite Fuori Porta
Track 7 - Muscles (Australia) - Sweaty
In Cougar News...
Some magazine I've never read nor cared about called More became my hero recently, kind of. It hosted a Fashion contest for real live cougars. Hot ones. I didn't really read the article about the show or the winner. I was busy trying to find more photos like this one. If anyone finds any photos or slide shows from this show, please post them in the comments section of this post. By the way, these chicks are 40+; they could own any of us.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Gawker endeavors to cover Television Media, but too lazy or stupid to use a TiVo.
. . .
we just caught it online, the way everyone else will)."
If you just saw it on internets, it's not really Television Media, you stupid fucks.
Whose guarantee is better?
I leave it to you to decide:
Who Am I?
I had a plum sized tumor removed from my nasal cavity.
I originally moved to Hollywood to pursue a music career with my band, The Rubber Band.
I have a son named Jake. He is an actor.
In December of 1988, I suffered a near fatal motorcycle accident. Doctors feared that the head injuries would give me permanent brain damage.
I once said that "drinking your own blood is the paradigm of recycling."
I am _______________ ?
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Laah Laugh Poooteen Part V
they ask themselves, “is this even bond street”?
“ we c foured that building can’t wait to blow out let’s jet off to cleveland; I'm really getting into this lifestyle and they've got new airports there.”
“Nobody likes condos. Whites have eaten out the pussy of the lower east side. And it is now a hollow corpse.”
my broker is a gemini filthy scum. that’s why i can’t sleep at night without burning newspapers . I hate eating cunts from little female babies.
alright i’m down but also kill some people and take over this whole crazy country that’s bounded by a bunch of rivers and oceans.\
Giant male clay figure tranny fucking dude enters.
“Hello fucking female eastern european slut. Let’s fuck, womanfellow!
then slapped across the cunt, they decided to take a train to slovakia and start a magazine and make love over the strewn pages of their past issues.
MAGAZINE MAGAZINE. Who can even read or eat or comprehend this stupid shit? I can’t wait to talk to Serbastian, that fucker, he slighted me before; I’ve already slaughtered his sad children.
How were you this good? i don’t remember this in prague. but things about this geography is that none of us can make eat pussy
That’s the thing about good old stories. Sometimes you can’t assimilate the moral. And the moral of this story is stop snitchin’ I learned that the hard way the hard is prison when the slide up against the bathroom tiles and make yourself sing love.
sense of it. We are all victims of the vocabulary of white people, which are the worst people. BLACK POWER! BLACK POWER!
I realize I’m black. I can’t believe I didn’t nuke Bond St. , only blew it up.
Friday, February 22, 2008
The commercial that started it all
As we near the end of Black History Month, it's important for us all to reflect on our roots. So here is the TV commercial whose irrepressible allure and spirit of bonhomie inspired Luigi DiSaronno, one day when he and I were sitting around drinking Paul Newmans*, to start this venerable blog.
As one commenter at YouTube remarks, "I still remember the first time I tried Disaronno..... ahhh it was a delight, and still is to this day." Amen.
*Newman's Own Lemonade and vodka
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Forget the sex, what about the constitution?
While both sides of the aisle (and even estranged members of the DiSaronno family) are bickering over John McCain's sex life, one important issue remains outside the conversation - the fact that Mr. McCain was not born a natural citizen and is therefore not qualified to be president. As this wikipedia article and this cowboy article explain, the Constitution only requires like 3 things to be president. It's probably why we've had so many shitty ones. One requirement is that the person be a "natural-born citizen," which isn't defined in the document but which is generally understood to mean anyone born within the fabulous fifty or an incorporated territory. Now, you're automatically a citizen if both of your parents are citizens (McCain's were) no matter where you're born. But there are two theories on how your citizenship is obtained, in a technical sense, when you're born overseas to US citizens:
(1) you're not "natural-born," but are instead "naturalized" automatically by virtue of your parents' citizenship. People who are naturalized citizens (or "Nizers," a slur i made up) are not eligible to be president.
(2) you're natural-born, because you're a citizen without having to fill out any paperwork. "Naturalized" citizens are those who have to earn it and be granted citizenship.
Why all the mystery, then? Turns out the issue has never come up and this portion of the constitution has never been interpreted by the Supreme Court. There are some pretty old legal theories to support each position, some latin terms like jus soli and jus sanguinis and blah blah i dunno i've only been to like half of my immigration law classes. But my prof said this could be a huge issue, and she teaches at NYU so believe that shit. If it does go to court, liberals trying to throw a wrench in the republican machinery should be careful of zealously advocating arcane interpretations of the Constitution...
That's right you plebe fucks: I'm powerful as shit and I like 'em blond and rich!
Salon tells the sad story of Carol McCain:
But McCain was making bold career moves on the home front, hotly pursuing a 25-year-old blond [Cindy] from a wealthy Arizona family -- while married. Carol, his wife at the time, had once been quite a babe herself apparently, until a near-fatal car accident (while her husband was in Vietnam) left her 4 inches shorter, overweight and on crutches. The couple had three children, whom Carol cared for alone while her husband was in Vietnamese prisons.
The aforementioned richie/hottie/homewrecker, Cindy McCain:
Sadly for Cindy, blond and rich is now available in the younger, lobbyister variety:
The end? Not while John Sidney McCain III remains above ground!
Bermuda: A Retort to Firebird
I Want To Have My Ears Plugged
Please note that the video's storyline does not really begin until 32 seconds in.
Prognosticating the Future
Get your fingers ready ladies and gentlemen, because America is about to get probed!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Watch out, Harvard!
Fuck the Lunar Eclipse, Mark Your Calendars for August 21, 2017
This water:
And, there will be girls in Bermuda. And not some pasty girl wearing all black chain smoking cigarettes outside of some horrible bar that smells like a bum's asshole.
Girls like this:
Who has money?
Dance or Die
Last night a few of the boys were able to get out and show our support for the American debut of Yelle. After a few shots of gin, a few high lifes, an order of fish and chips and a half bbq pulled duck sandwich later, I finally reflected upon how utterly spectacular this concert was. With the help of Luigi and Kerri, I will now attempt something no one has ever bothered to try before: retrospective live blogging. The concert went something like this:
10:40 P.M. - It's hot as fuck in here. Don't know how much longer I can be in the front row. I snap a picture from my phone for good luck and head to get a cup of ice to rub over my face.
10:52 P.M. - I think there was shot of tequila sometime around here.
11:29 P.M. - Start heading out of the show. Decide to get a midnight snack at Grace (see the food items listed at the top of this post). Delicious.
Most Inappropriate TV Name Ever?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
New England Patriots' clothing ends up in Nicaragua
A Proud Moment for Australia
Bonus Caption Contest for the above picture.
Australia has long been known as the underappreciated step-brother of both the U.K. and the U.S.A. Sporting emerging bands such as Muscles and the Midnight Juggernauts, the country has the ability to make people of all shapes and sizes get ready for the floor. Equally impressive has it been in producing good film and actors giving the world such actors as Mel Gibson (pardon his racism and alcoholism), Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, and Heath Ledger (R.I.P.).
It came as no surprise, then, when last year I unearthed what I can only call the sleeper for best film ever (forget Citizen Kane, Casablanca, Apocalypse Now, and Point Break): yes folks, I am talking about Aussie Park Boyz.
As the poster shows, this film has it all (except for and third, and, debatabley, a fourth comma for the tagline), including a cameo by Duane "The Dog" Chapman (FYI - after several viewings, this cameo appearence has yet to be spotted by myself, or any other viewer thus far). You will note, incidentally, that the plot synopsis is empty on the film's IMDB page. This is not by mistake. If the film had a plot, there would be a synopsis. Much like this blog, it appears to be an amalamation on incoherence, though in the case of Aussie Park Boyz, this train of stupidity takes on the form of fight correography and a tale of love.
One viewer's commentary seems to sum up the movie quite well:
"I have been analyzing Aussie Park Boyz, and figured out what is so strange about it. Most movies do not so vividly recreate the fight frequency of video games. Think about Fists of Fury, Double Dragon, etc. You fight about 5-10 bad guys, move on to the next screen, then fight 5-10 more, with absolutely no story of why you are fighting them. On top of that, there is always extremely intense music playing in the background of these video games. That is Aussie Park Boyz, only you are not controlling the main characters, so it’s just frustrating." (taken from Cinema Strikes Back).
Much like Sean Connery's masterpiece Zardoz, I found it very helpful to read about the film before viewing, and then again after; only then can you fully piece together what you have just viewed, and only after this can you fully appreciate how much of a waste of time watching this movie actually was. So go on, pick this movie up at your nearest rental agency (or anywhere that actually has a copy of it) and dig in.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
General Announcement
Your friendly neighborhood gelatto shop has finally picked up on a magnificent trend. Il Laboratorio Del Gelato, of Orchard Street fame, has now added an Amaretto Crunch flavor to their delectable arsenal of frozen treats. Now, I am usually not one for sweets, but this was too tantalizing to pass up; if you find yourself in the neighborhood, please do stop by Il Laboratorio Del Gelato and wolf down as much gelato as you can.
Overheard at the Met
Woman looking at a Comme de Garcons dress.
In Rainbows. Literally.
So what? I'll tell you so what. I woke up this morning and there was a rainbow on my ceiling. It is probably the coolest thing I have ever seen on my ceiling. Here are a few pictures:
Anyone else out there have any cool rainbow stories? Please feel free to throw on some Sigur Rós records and share.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Damn The Blue Man, Save The Astor!
The Astor Place Theatre is an architectural/historical gem. How gem-y you ask? So gem-like that no modern photograph can capture The Astor in its overflowed and nekkid glory (I had to settle for this old-timey print). The Astor is so fantastic that it diminishes pretty much every building in the city by comparison. Shames them. Yet The Astor Place Theatre is enslaved by purveyors of bad art: The Blue Man Group.
But you defend these blue philistines. Have I ever seen The Blue Man Group perform, you ask? No I have not, but I believe that my taste level is high enough to judge a thing without having even ever given it a chance. If you believe this to be so too, you should join my jihad. Damn The Blue Man, Save The Astor!
And the winner is...
Early 90s Poll
Pretty close race.
Tony Danza vs. Big Bird
Congrats on a fine showing for mankind, Tony. And next time, don't blame your loss on the fact that you weren't playing with a ball.
Nature's Phenomenons: The Salton Sea
Thursday, February 14, 2008
White People are Lame
Street Cred for Dummies
If you don't run marathons, have a tv, are not vegetarian, and don't know how to snowboard, you're on your way. Stay black.