
The Giant:


Remember the good old days, when Taco Bell didn't have to worry about silly little "health department violations" for "rat infestations?" Well, I sure do. Nothing like a little TB to start your Saturday feeling fresh and fit. Back then, people didn't have to follow "the rules." You could still be considered a non-conformist, even though you were eating at one of the most popular food chains in the nation. But it didn't matter, because they still had three types of crispy tacos. Yep, those were the days.
Very few songs have the ability to resonate with me so much that my bones rattle. While this is not one such song, I do admire the ability of Hank Williams (Jr.) to corner the Monday Night Football theme song market for nearly a decade (maybe a little less). Another interesting fact about this man? In 2006 he was arrested for the alledged assult of a woman in a Memphis hotel room. The case was later dropped. Another interesting fact about this man? He once broke every bone in his face during a freak mountain climbing accident. His brain was exposed to the open air. All the king's horses and all the king's men were eventually (9 surgeries later) able to put Hank together again.